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miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

First Exercise What Are Perks?

What's In a Comprehensive Employee Benefits Package?
Smaller employers tend to offer fewer components in the employee benefits package – and sometimes, no benefits at all. But, the majority of large companies and virtually all public sector government employers provide an extensive employee benefits package.

Small businesses that are growing and expanding need to plan a careful phase-in of employee benefits so that as you grow, you continue to attract and retain the talent you need for further growth and expansion. Employers can expand this employee benefits package, as resources allow.
With an almost endless variety of potential employee benefits that are listed in Are You Getting the Best Benefits From Your Benefits? and wished for in What Employee Benefits Would You Love to Have or Offer?, an employer can customize an employee benefits package to the needs and desires of its employees.
These are the components of an attractive employee benefits package. No laws require an employer to offer these voluntary employee benefits.
An employee benefits package includes:
·                     Paid Holidays
·                     Paid Vacation Days
·                     Paid Sick Days
·                     Paid Personal Days
·                     Bereavement or Funeral Leave

1.                   Underline the cognates that you find in the text.

2.                   Answer the following questions in Spanish and according to the reading:
a.                   Which are the companies that offer major benefits to the employees?

Las Grandes Compañías los Empleados del Gobierno el Sector Público.

b.                   What happens when the small businesses are growing?

Necesitan crear una cuidadosa fase para los empleados enfocándose en los beneficios del Empleado y de los recursos que lo permiten.

c.                   What does an employee benefits package include?

Vacaciones pagas
Días feriados pagos
Días de reposo pago
Días del personal pagos
Permisos o salidas a cortejo fúnebre o pérdida de ser querido.

3.                   Make a brief summery about the reading, make it in Spanish.

Un completo y beneficioso paquete de empleados incluye, beneficios para todos en su mayoría     en grandes compañías y en el sector público, los cuales proporcionan excelentes paquetes a   
empleados, los pequeños negocios están creciendo y expandiéndose y deben planear una   
cuidadosa fase para empleados para continuar atrayendo talento humano e ir más lejos.

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